I am an average kiwi. 46 years old, and passionate about good health and nutrition. I spend a lot of time researching various topics, and never assume that what I am told in the media is true.
I have very little respect for the medical industry, who it seems are instructed to lie and deceive the general public. It is quite easy to see the proof if you take a little time to do your own research.
I believe strongly that the medical systems around the world have failed miserably. Disease states are not reducing as they should be, yet more and more money is put into Primary Health Care. What a joke. Primary Health Failure more like it.
I will post regularly on any number of topics. If you want a view on something, just contact me at NZEagleEye@gmail.com, and I will see what I can find out. Ask me anything about any supermarket product, and I will probably already know the other side to it...
I expect some heated debate and comments about my posts. They will usually come from people with vested interests in the topics I blog about, who either refuse to do their own research, or have been instructed by employers to believe a certain view. They need to get their own lives... I'm not phased by negative comments...